The rate is the same as for calls. You will find a list of rates per destination on the main page of the site.
What is the rate for call forwarding?
How do I change my subscription?
How do I change my subscription?
What codecs are used for voice encoding?
G711, GSM, G723, G729, iLBC.
How do I cancel the subscription?
The request must be made from your dashboard.
Set up Cisco SPA-112
Connect the SPA-112 to your internet router and the phone to the Phone 1 port.
Dial the ****, and once in the voice menu, dial 110#, the IP address of the phone is dictated (192.168…).
Enter this IP address in your Internet browser (http://192.168…) connected to the same network as the SPA-112.
Enter the admin/admin ID and then “Log in”
In the “Quick Setup”, “Line1” page, fill in the fields:
User ID: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Dial Plan: (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.|*1[1-5][0-9][0-9]|*15x.)
Click on “Submit”.
In case of a mono directional sound problem, you can add a STUN server. To do this, click on the “Voice” tab, then “SIP” in the right menu, and fill in the “NAT Support Parameters” section:
STUN Enable: yes
STUN server:
Click on “Submit”. -
Set up Gigaset
Visit this link for help with setup:
You can automatically configure your Siemens phone with a single personal code. For more information, go to your member area page “SIP settings”.
To find the IP adress of the phone : Menu -> Settings -> Base -> Local network -> Pin 0000
Home Status Settings> Telephony> Advanced Settings
Connection ID : ippi username
Password : ippi password
Confirm your SIP password : ippi password
User Name : ippi username
Domain :
Nom affiché : optional
Proxy Server Address :
Proxy Server Port : 5060
Registrar Server :
Registrar Server Port : 5060
STUN enabled : yes (optional)
STUN Server : (optional)
STUN Port : 3478
NAT refresh time : 600 seconds
Outbound Proxy Mode : Auto
Outbound Proxy :
Outbound Proxy Port : 5060
Voice Codecs
VoIP volume : Normal (test it)
Enable annex B pour G729 : No
Codecs selected :
G711 u law
G711 a law
Codecs available :
Enabling DTMF – Frequency Vocal :
Configuration> Advanced Settings
DTMF connections for VoIP
Send settings : Audio ( ) RFC 2833 (x) SIP Info ( ) -
How long will the cancellation be taken into account?
The cancellation request is taken into account at the end of the current month if it is made before the 15th of the month, and at the end of the following month if it is made after the 15th of the month.
How to terminate the contract?
The request must be made from your dashboard.
Set up Asterisk – TrixBox
This setup allows you to make and receive calls from a my_phone SIP account created in Asterisk. To be adapted according to your installation.
In the sip.conf file:
[ general]
register =>
[ippi_incoming] ; incoming call setup for ippi
[ippi_outgoing] ; configuration for outgoing calls for ippi
[my_phone] ; configure a SIP account on Asterisk with username my_phone and password my_password
In file extension.conf:
[from_ippi] ; incoming calls to ring the ippi SIP account my_phone
exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/my_phone)
[ home] ; all outgoing calls from the account my_phone are sent over the ippi network
exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/ippi_outgoing/${EXTEN}) -
Set up FRITZ!Box
Menu: Telephony > Internet Telephony
Internet Number
Check “Use Internet number”.
Internet number: ippi username
Account information provided by your Internet telephony provider:
Username: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Password confirmation: ippi password
Proxy server:
STUN server: (optional)
Check “Provider is NAT-aware”.
Check “Use Internet number for registration”.
DTMF transmission: Automatic -
Why is it the number +33 1 76 600 700 that appears when I am calling?
If you do not have a virtual number, and you have not activated the anonymous mode, the number of our main server is displayed by default.
What to do when I have trouble reaching a destination?
Check that the dialed number is correct. You can also test it from a line other than ippi. If you still can not reach it, you can contact our support by mentioning the number, with a timestamp of the day and the time of call.
Set up Thomson ST2030
SET UP -> Network Interface -> Network Setup
DHCP Connection Setup
Type : DHCP
DNS Settings : check “Automatic from ISP” box
SET UP -> VoIP Service -> Basic Setup
Basic Setup
Profile Name : optional
Telephone number : do not fill
Primary SIP Server
SIP Unregister : check
SIP Transport : UDP
Service Domain :
Registrar Server Address : port : 5060
Proxy Server Address : port 5060
SIP Local Port : 5060
Registration Timer : 3600
Register Frequency : 600
Ring Tone : Default
Backup SIP Server
Do not fill
User Accounts
Phone Number : ippi username (do not put a virtual number)
Phone Name : optional
Authentication ID : ippi username
Password : ippi password
Press “Apply”
ADVANCED -> Networking -> STUN
STUN Server Settings
Enable STUN Server : check
STUN Server :
STUN Server Port : 3478
ADVANCED -> Networking -> Outbound Proxy
Outbound Proxy Settings
Outbound Proxy Flag : “With Pre-Existing Route Set”
Server :
Port : 5060
Warning: It is possible that if you are behind a NAT. In this cas, it’s not necessary to activate the STUN (do not check the “Enable” box) and the Outbound Proxy too (select “Disable” from the menu). -
How many simultaneous SIP connections are possible with my account?
Each ippi account can have 3 simultaneous SIP connections. This allows you to permanently connect a phone or PBX IP, a softphone, and an application. This number can not be changed.
What settings are required for the SIP configuration?
If your application, software, adapter, phone or IPBX is SIP compatible, it should work with ippi.
ippi is a partner of most developers and manufacturers, and has received numerous certifications.
The default settings:
Username/User ID: ippi username
Number: ippi username
Password: ippi password
UDP port: 5060UDP Alternative Port/Proxy: 34550 or
You can also find examples of configurations by following this link:
Set up Linksys SPA-9XX
On the IP phone, press the “Menu” key symbolized by a sheet with the right corner folded.
Go to “Network/Network” or “Status” then “Network Status”, and press “Select” and note the IP address in “Current IP/Actual IP” or “IP Address”.
On the web browser, enter the IP address of the phone, which brings up on the Linksys/Cisco homepage.
Click on the “Admin Login” link at the top right. To add an ippi SIP account, complete the following information in the extension of the line of your choice “Ext 1 or Ext 2 or Ext 3, etc.”
Proxy and Registration
Subscriber Information
Display Name: free name
User ID: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Auth ID: ippi username
Then click on the “Submit All Changes” button. The phone restarts and your SIP ippi account should be functional.
To change the “Dial Plan”, go to the “Advanced” page in the upper right corner, then in the extension of your SIP line (Ext 1, Ext 2, etc.). At the bottom of the page, replace the information present by:
Dial Plan: (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.|*1[1-5][0-9][0-9]|*15x.)
Then press the “Submit All Changes” button. -
What are the fees if my payment is rejected?
f there is a rejection, you are notified by e-mail, and there is a flat fee of 15 euro to cover our bank charges and management fees.
Do I need a virtual number to receive calls?
No, you can receive calls to your SIP address or number ( from other ippi users or third-party SIP networks. You can also receive calls from a fixed or mobile line on your free iNum number, if the telecom provider allows it.
Set up Yealink SIP T-21P & Yealink SIP T-48G
On the phone screen, go to “Menu” and then “Status” to get the IP address of the phone.
In the Internet browser of your computer, type the IP address: http://192.168…
The default access codes are: admin/admin
“Account” menu
Line active: Enabled
Display Name: ippi username
Register Name: ippi username
User name: ippi username
Password: ippi password
SIP server 1
Server Host:
Press “Confirm.” -
How do I change my contact information?
Your details can be changed on your dashboard.
Why can’t I top up my account?
This can be because your balance is still more than 3€, or you have reached the maximum number of top up allowed in a period, or a protection prevents to top up. If you would like more information, we invite you to contact the support.
Set up Linksys PAP2T
Go to the web interface of the ATA, then “Admin Login” and then “Switch to advanced view”.
To find the IP address of the PAP2 in order to configure it, dial 110#.
SIP menu
STUN Enable: Yes (optional)
STUN Test Enable: Yes (optional)
STUN Server: (optional)
Menu Line 1
Use Outbound Proxy: Yes
Outbound Proxy:
Register Expires: 3600
Display name: free name
User ID: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Dial Plan : (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.|*1[1-5][0-9][0-9]|*15x.)
Regional Menu
Ring 1 Number of strokes per minute: 60(2/4)
Ring Waveform: Sinusoid
Ring Frequency: 50
Ring Voltage: 70
FXS Port Impedance: 270+750||150nF
Caller ID Method: ETSI FSK
Click “Save settings” to reboot the PAP2T.
If there is a problem displaying the number on your handset, try the following:
Regional Menu
Ring 1 Cadence: 2.25(.25/1.6);60(2/3.5)
FXS Port Impedance: 600 ohms
Caller ID Method: Bellcore
To Reset the ATA to Factory Settings
Pick up the phone and press **** (4 times star), then dial “73738#” and confirm with “1”. -
Set up Telephone
Version 1.2.6 (Mac)
Menu “Preferences”, then “Accounts” tab and click on the “+”.
Full Name : optional
Domain :
Username : ippi username
Password : ippi password
Click on “Done”. -
What rate is applied to my callers when they call my virtual number?
It’s the rate of a local or national long distance call if the caller is in the same country as the number, or international if the caller is in another country. For more information, please contact your telecom provider to find out the rate to the destination of the number.
Is there a commitment period?
No, not more than a month.
Set up Innovaphone IP232 & IP240
On the phone, press the arrow > to go to the main menu, then go down to “Administration” then “Information” to get the IP address of the phone.
In the Internet browser of your computer type the IP address.
IP232: the default access codes: admin/ip232
IP240: the default access codes: admin/ip240
For IP232: “General” menu > “Phone” tab, then under “User-1” tab.
For IP240: Left menu “Registration 1”, “Registration” tab.
Enable: check
Protocol: SIP
User ID: ippi username
Alternative Proxy:
STUN Server:
Username: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Retype: ippi password
Dial Tones: choose your country (ex: USA)
Enblock Dialing Timeout:
General Coder Preference: G711A / Framesize: 60 / Silence Compression: / Exclusive:
Local Network Coder: G711A / Framesize: 60 / Silence Compression:
Enable Secure RTP:
No DTMF Detection:
SIP Interop Tweaks: (optional)
Proposed Registration Interval: (optional)
Accept INVITE’s from Anywhere: (optional)
Put Consultation Call on Hold before Transfer: (optional)
Press “OK”, then confirm by pressing the “Reset” button at the bottom of the left menu or restart the phone electrically. -
Can I have multiple virtual numbers?
Yes, and there is no limit. You can have one or more on the same account. In this case, all calls to these numbers will ring on the same account, unless configured on an PBX IP (telephone system), and where it is possible to redirect calls to the correct extension. Or one in multiple accounts. In this case, calls to a number will ring on an independent account. It depends on your need.
What is the VAT rate applied?
The VAT rate applied is the one from France, ie 20% for individuals & professionals in France or the European Union. VAT is not applied for companies in the European Union that provide their intra-Community VAT number, and foreign residents who provide proof of residence.
What is the rate for out-of-plan calls?
Please see the rate list by destination on the main page of the site.
Which operating systems (OS) does ippi messenger work?
iOS, Android, Windows, Mac & Linux
To which networks are calls free?
Calls are free between ippi users, open SIP networks, and iNum numbers.
Set up Grandstream GXP2130 & GXP2160
On the phone, press the round button, in the middle of the arrows, to access the menu. Then press 2, “Status”, then “Network Status” to obtain the IP address of the phone visible in the “IPv4 Address” line.
In your internet browser, type the IP address: http://192.168 …
The default access codes: admin/admin.
In the top menu, click on “Accounts”, then on the submenu “Account 1” and then “General setting”. Then enter:
Account Active: Yes
Account Name: ippi username
SIP Server:
SIP User ID: ippi ID
Authenticate ID: ippi username
Authenticate Password: ippi password
Then click on “Save and apply”. -
How does the Mobility feature work?
The Mobility feature makes it possible to call international from a fixed or mobile line while traveling, and without the need of an internet connection.
To use the Mobility feature, simply dial your ippi virtual number from a local line in the country you are in and then dial your international number. The call to your virtual ippi number is billed (or included in your plan) for the duration of the call, by your fixed or mobile provider. The international call is charged by ippi.
To activate or change a number to use with the Mobility option, simply go to your dashboard.
You can pre-register your contacts in my smartphone, saving your ippi virtual number, followed by a pause, and the number of your correspondent. For example, on an iPhone the pause is done by holding down the star key (*) to display a comma.
How do I add, change, or delete a payment method?
Your payment methods can be changed on your dashboard.
Set up ippi messenger
When the software is launched, a window appears and you need to fill both fields in order to put your ippi username and password.
To add a new SIP account:
File> New account> SIP> Next> + your password > Next > Finish
Once the settings are completed, your ippi SIP account will appear at the bottom of the window as a phone with the status “On line”.
Enabling the SIP Presence in ippi Messenger
Go to the “Advanced” tab, “Presense Options” section, and check “Enable Presence (SIMPLE)” Ok
To add the SIP Presence option to an existing account: Click “Tools”, then Settings, choose the account and click “Edit”, and check “Advanced Server Configuration” section “Presense Options” and check “Enable Presence (SIMPLE) “Ok -
Configuration Polycom Soundstation Duo
In the Internet browser of your computer, type the IP address: http://192.168 … to access your Polycom interface.
Polycom offers a “Simple Configuration” and a more advanced “SIP Configuration”.
Simple configuration
Country: free name
Language: free name
Time synchronization: free name
SIP Server
Port: 0
SIP external proxy
Port: 0
SIP line identification
Display of name: choice
Address: ippi ID
Authentication (user ID): ippi username
Authentication (password): ippi password
Label: ippi
Base Profile
Base Profile: Generic
SIP Configuration
Local Settings
Local SIP Port: 0
Nb Calls/line: according to your offer
Enable Roaming bundles for: None
New SDP Type: Disable
Live Communication Server support: disable
Non-standard line out: Enable
Numbering script: dial plan
Timeout of the dial script: 3|3|3|3|3|3
Delete end-of-dial mark: Activate
No correspondence with the numbering script: 0
External proxy
Port: 0
Transport: DNSnaptr
Server 1
Special Interop: Standard
Port: 0
Transport: DNSnaptr
Expiration (s) 3600
Save: Yes
Expiration Time Retry Time (ms): 0
Maximum number of retries: 3
Expiry time taken line (s): 30 -
What is the signaling protocol used for Voice over IP (VoIP)?
ippi uses the open SIP protocol.
What is my SIP number for?
The SIP number is used to receive calls from other users only on the ippi network. This number is easier to dial than a SIP address with letters (
Why can not I make calls to fixed and mobile numbers?
You probably do not have credit or subscription to your ippi account to call paid numbers. It is also possible that a security has been placed on your account, and we invite you in this case to contact our support.
Can I choose the virtual number?
Why do I have a ringtone when I use the Mobility option or go directly to my voicemail?
You may not have yet authorized your number to use the service, or you have not subscribed to this feature. It is also possible that your fixed or mobile line is private (hidden number). Change that in the settings of your phone or by contacting your telecom provider in order to use this feature.
Are the virtual numbers published in the directories?
What are the authorized means of payment?
Your account is in prepaid mode:
> Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PaypalYour account is in postpaid mode:
> Visa, Mastercard & bank account (European Union only) -
What if I hear caller but not him, or vice versa?
A mono-directional sound usually indicates a problem with the router (NAT). If your router blocks sound, you can:
- Enable or disable STUN on your SIP client (
- Change the REGISTER time of your SIP client to 120s
Can I change my virtual number?
The virtual number can be changed by contacting the support. This service is charged 5 euro.
Why does call forwarding not work?
First check that the option has been activated, that the forwarding number is correct, and that your balance is positive in the case of a prepaid account without a subscription.
Why does the voicemail server ignore my instructions?
Your phone, software or application does not send DTMF (Dual-tone multi-frequency) signal, and our server can not understand your instructions. In this case, please activate the DTMF parameter with the SIP Info in the parameters of your installation.
How do I activate the automatic top up?
You can activate this option by following the instructions on your dashboard.
Can I port my number/DID to ippi?
Yes, we port numbers from many countries to ippi. Discover the list on the offer page.
What is the sound quality of the calls?
ippi offers HD (High Definition) sound quality for your communications with the G722 codec between two users with compatible hardware. ippi also offers premium quality on all fixed and mobile destinations thanks to the G711 & G729 codecs.
How to get a virtual number?
You can order one in the country of your choice, independently or with an unlimited plan (special offer). Depending on the country, local legislation may require a proof of residence.
What are ippi’s advantages over Skype™, Vonage™, Google Voice™, etc.?
ippi uses an open source protocol with SIP technology. This is not the case for some competitors who use a closed proprietary protocol, or who use your bandwidth as a relay point on their network even when you are not using the telephony service!
The benefits may depend on several factors, such as the compatibility of your SIP-compliant telephone system, your country of residence, cheaper and better adapted rates and packages, innovative services and a non-binding offer ippi.
Can I change my username?
No. If you really want another username, we invite you to open a new account and notify us.
What number can I call to test my line?
You can dial * 1400 for an echo test.
Why do not I have a dial tone on my line?
Check your Internet access. Check the connections of your installation, or close and reboot your SIP client (software, application, PBX IP..). If it still does not work, please contact support.
Set up XiVo – WaZo
Creating a Context
In “IPBX> IPBX Configuration> Contexts”, click the “+” to add a context.
In the “General” tab, fill in the data:
Name: free name, “from-ippi” for example
Name displayed: free name
Context Type: Incoming
In the “Incoming Calls” tab, click on the “+” to add numbers, fill in the data and click “Save”:
Start of the number interval: enter the virtual number ippi
No. of digits received: enter 10
Creating the SIP trunk
In “IPBX> Interconnection Management> SIP Protocol”, click the “+” to add a trunk.
In the “General” tab, fill in the data:
Name: free name, “trunk-ippi” for example
Authentication ID: ippi username
Password: SIP ippi password
Connection Type: Friend
IP Address Type: Static, enter the value
Context: select the previously created context, “Incoming calls ippi (from-ippi)”
Language: en_US (or according to your language)
In the “Registration” tab, fill in the data:
Registration: check box
Name: ippi SIP username
Authentication ID: ippi username
Password: SIP ippi password
Remote server:
In the “Signage” tab, “Codecs” frame, check the “Customize codecs” box and fill in the data:
In the list on the right, click on the most G711 A-law (Audio) and GSM (Audio)
In the “Advanced” tab, fill in the data and click “Save”:
Insecurity: All
Rewrite the From-User field: ippi username
Rewrite the From-Domain field:
Then verify that the SIP trunk is active via the Asterisk command-line interface:
Root @ xivo: ~ # asterisk -r
Xivo * CLI> sip show registry
Host dnsmgr Username Refresh State Reg.Time N identifying 105 Registered Thu, 28 June 2007 20:00:00
1 SIP registrations.
Trunk ippi is well recorded.
Incoming call setup
In “IPBX> Call Management> Incoming Calls”, click the “+”.
In the “General” tab, fill in the data and click “Save”:
SDA: ippi SIP username
Context: Incoming calls ippi (from-ippi)
Destination: User
Return to: select the user of your choice
Outgoing call setup
In “Outgoing Calls”, click on the “+”.
In the “General” tab, fill in the data:
Name: Free text, eg “ippi”
In the list on the left add “trunk_ippi”
Fill in the data and click “Save”:
Extension: 9XXXXXXXXXX
Stripnum: 1
This means that when a phone dials a number of 11 numbers whose first number is a 9, you must remove the first number and make a call with the trunk ippi.
In “IPBX> Control System> Reload Asterisk”, to test the new trunk. -
Do I need a virtual number to call?
No, it is not necessary to have a virtual number to call.
What is the billing frequency for a subscription account?
What to do when the voice is metallic or there are cuts during a call?
It is very often because of a low bandwidth, ie, an internet speed not faster enough to contain the voice. This can be solved in several ways, such as using a more faster internet access, or choosing a less greedy codec, and which compresses the voice better like the G729 instead of the G711. Sometimes the throughput is sufficient, but the local configuration of the internet access degrades the quality of the voice. In this case, check your configuration and allocate a channel dedicated to VoIP (MPLS).
How do I get an iNum number for free?
Apply for an iNum number assignment on your dashboard.
How do I change my password?
The password can be changed on the dedicated page of your dashboard.
Why did I lose my virtual number?
You probably no longer have a subscription, and the number has been terminated automatically. It is not normally possible to retrieve a lost number. A new number will be assigned if you take a new subscription.
Set up Snom 820 & 870
To find your IP address: Help icon “?” ou Touch Menu > Maintenance > System Info
Fill in the IP address into the address bar of your usual web browser.
“Set-up” Colon
Snom default password: 0000
Identity 1
Login Information:
Identity active:
Displayname: free text
Account: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Custom Melody URL:
Display text for idle screen:
XML Idle Screen URL:
Record Received Calls:
Click on the “Save” button.
To add extra SIP accounts, you have to fill in “Identity 2”, “Identity 3”, etc. -
How is charged a subscription taken during the month?
Subscriptions are made in advance at the beginning of each month. If a subscription is made during the month, an invoice is issued the same day on the basis of one month of subscription. Then, when the next monthly invoice is issued, one month of subscription will be charged in advance, less a deduction in the past period of the month preceding the subscription was not active.
How to customize the caller ID (RPID) when making calls?
You can enter the fixed number (no mobile number) of your choice in the dashboard configuration page.
What do I need to use the service?
A fixed or mobile broadband Internet connection, and an application, or software, or telephone, or telecom system SIP compatible.
How many concurrent call channels do I have on my account to make and receive calls?
By default, if your account is in prepaid mode, you have 1 incoming channel to receive 1 simultaneous call, and 1 outgoing channel to make 1 outgoing call. If your account is in postpaid mode, you have 1 incoming channel to receive 1 simultaneous call, and as many outgoing channels as you have unlimited plans (eg: 3 plans = 3 outbound calls). You can add inbound and outbound simultaneous call channels from your dashboard. The number of incoming and outgoing channels is not limited for SIP calls.
Set up Aastra 6739i
To know the IP address: Tools > Status > Networks
Enter the IP address into your web browser.
Default login: admin
Password : 22222
To configure your SIP account, go to Advanced Settings > Line 1
Configuration Line 1 or Global SIP (if on single account to configure)
Basic SIP Authentication Settings
Screen Name: free text
Screen Name 2: do not fill
Phone Number: ippi username
Caller ID: do not fill
Authentication Name: ippi username
Password: mot de passe ippi
BLA Number: do not fill
Line Mode: Generic
Basic SIP Network Settings
Proxy Server:
Proxy Port: 0
Backup Proxy Server:
Backup Proxy Port: 0
Outbound Proxy Server:
Outbound Proxy Port: 0
Registrar Server:
Registrar Port: 0
Backup Registrar Server:
Backup Registrar Port: 0
Registration Period: 0
Conference Server URI: do not fill
Advanced SIP Settings
Missed Call Summary Subscription: do not check
AS-Feature-Event Subscription: do not check
Park Pickup Config: do not fill
RTP Settings
DTMF Method: RTP
RTP Encryption: Global
Autodial Settings
Use Global Settings: check “Enabled”
Autodial Number: -1
Autodial Timeout: 0
Click on “Save Settings”. -
What is an iNum number?
An iNum number is a new category of international number billed at the rate of a local call by your telecom operator, if it allows calls to this type of number. Calls made from the ippi network to iNum numbers are also free. More information here:
Set up Ekiga
Accounts -> Edit account information
Account Name : your full name
Registrar :
User: your username
Password: your password
More options
Login Authentication: your ID
Realm/Domain :
Duration of registration : 3600
Ekiga Preferences -> Protocols -> Network Settings
NAT settings (optional)
Method of NAT traversal : STUN
STUN server :
“Apply” then “Close”
Ekiga Preferences -> Protocols -> SIP Settings
Miscellaneous preferences
Outbound proxy :
ULR redirection: Leave this field blank
In the software menu, go to “Edit”, then “Account” and delete the Ekiga account to keep the ippi account only. Then activate the ippi account by checking the little box. -
Why does my phone not ring during a call, or go directly to my voicemail?
The first reason is that you do not have to be connected to the ippi network. You can check it in the “SIP Connections” section of your dashboard. You may also be connected, but your Internet network block the SIP protocol, either because your ISP uses the same UDP 5060 port for its telephony service, or because your router is blocking the port by default for security reasons. In the first case, simply go through our alternative port UDP 34550 (Proxy: In the second case, simply open permanently the UDP port 5060 in the configuration of your Internet box/router.
Set up Epygi Quadro
The Quadro IP PBX is capable of making IP-PSTN calls via ippi networks.
Making Outgoing Calls
First of all, provided account should be registered. For creating a new extension and registering it on ippi service, go to Telephony > VoIP Carrier Wizard page, pass through this wizard and enter the following parameters:
VoIP Carrier: Manual
Description: ippi
Click “Next”
In the next opened page, enter the following parameters:
Account Name: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Confirm Password: ippi password
SIP Server:
SIP Server Port: 5060
Enable Use RTP Proxy service and click “Next”
On the third page of VoIP Carrier Wizard, you can define the Access Code which will be used in the Call Routing Table. Let’s say it is 01. You can also define the extension, on which you will receive the incoming calls from ippi. Let’s say it 102 (you can also receive the incoming calls from ippi on Quadro Auto Attendant – extension 00).
Access Code: 01
Emergency Code: leave the default value or put your country emergency call
Route Incoming Calls to: 102
If you want the calls failover through onboard FXO line, you can enable the Failover to PSTNservice too and press the Next button.
Confirm entered settings on the last page of VoIP Carrier Wizard page and press “Finish”.
Now the provided account is registered, and you can make outgoing calls through ippi using 01 prefix (appropriate Call Routing rule with 01* pattern is automatically added on the Call Routing table).
Receiving Inbound Calls
For receiving incoming calls from ippi service, you already created the needed configuration during the VoIP Carrier Wizard, so now you can receive all incoming calls from ippi on extension 102. -
Set up X-Lite
Preferences Menu
Accounts tab, then General sub-tab.
Account name: free name
Use for call + IM / Presence: check
User Details
User ID: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Display name: do not fill
Authorization name: do not fill
Domain Proxy
Register with domain and receive calls: check
Send outbound via: Domain: do not fill
Dial plan: do not change
Codecs tab
In the right-hand column, put G711 uLaw and GSM only -
Set up Obihai 1032
Go to “Settings” on the main page to find the IP address under “Network”.
In the Internet browser of your computer, type the IP address: http://192.168 …
The default access codes: admin/admin.
Go to the menu in the left column “Service providers”, then in “ITSP Profile A”, then in “General”. Uncheck the “Default” column for the following items and enter the values shown below:
Then go to the left menu “Voice services”, then “SP1 Service”. In the “SIP Credentials” section, uncheck the “Default” column for the following items and enter the values shown below:
AuthUserName: ippi username
AuthPassword: ippi password
Then click on “Submit” on the page of the page, then on “Reboot” on the top right. -
How do I top up my prepaid account?
You can top up your prepaid account by credit card or Paypal directly from your dashboard.
From where can I use the service?
The ippi service can be used worldwide with a fixed or mobile broadband Internet connection. Some countries may however block VoIP. It is possible to bypass the block with a VPN tunnel. Please check the regulations of your country of origin.
How long is my prepaid top up valid?
A top up is valid for 180 days, and this period is extended by another 180 days if a new top up is made in the meantime. Please do not wait until the last day to top up!
How to update my bank information?
Go to the “Billing” page in your dashboard. At the top right, you’ll see the current payment method. Click on the “+” to add a new account or card by following the instructions. Afterwards, you can set the new payment method as the default or delete the old one.
Set up Cisco SPA-3XX
On the IP phone, press the “Menu” key symbolized by a sheet with the right corner folded.
Press key 9 to find the IP address of the telephone (192.168 …)
Enter this IP address in your internet browser (http://192.168…) connected to the same network as the phone.
Click on “Admin login” at the top left
Click on the “Ext 1” tab and fill in the following information:
User ID: ippi username
Password: ippi password
Click on “Submit All Changes”.
In the case of a mono directional sound problem, you can add a stun server by clicking on “Admin login” and “Advanced” at the top right.
Click the SIP tab and fill in the following information:
STUN Enable: yes
STUN server:
Click on “Submit All Changes”. -
Set up Yeastar MyPBX
Go to the internet interface.
“MyPBX”> “Trunks”> “VoIP Trunk”> “Add VoIP Trunk”.
Type: SIP
Provider Name: ippi
Hostname / IP: 5060
User Name: ippi username
Authorization Name: ippi username
Password: ippi password
From User:
Online Number: SIP number (ex: 889000000)
Maximum Channels: 0
Then go to “Status”> “Line Status”> “Trunk Status”, to check if the trunk is connected (see Resgistered).
For all the rest, please read the manual MyPBX. -
Can I receive text messages on my virtual number or iNum number?
It is not possible at this time to receive SMS messages on your virtual number.
It is possible to receive SMS messages on your iNum number if your equipment allows it. -
Why can not I make calls to ippi users, SIP addresses, or iNum?
You must first check on the dashboard if you are connected to the ippi network, or if you have validated your account by clicking on the link sent by e-mail when registering. If, however, you do not succeed, we invite you to contact our support.
Set up Tiptel 8000
Setting up SIP accounts
Mode> “Advanced”
Click on the “Edit” field.
general settings
Name: ippi
Allowed: YES
Access to lines: * 901
Status: Connected
Supplier Settings
SIP server:
Forced IP Proxy:
SIP Server Port: 5060
Recording Interval
Registration required: YES
STUN Server: (if required)
User settings
User Name: ippi username
Login ID:
Password: ippi password
Base number: None
Audio settings
Codec priority 1: G711-A
Codec priority 2: G711-U
Codec priority 3: G729
DTMF Method: RTP Event
Use Progress (183) sip alerting: Disabled
Service settings
Deregistration before registration: NO
Refer: Call Forwarding by SIP Server: YES
Transfer all calls by IP server: NO
NAT Resting signal: SIP options
Parameters ‘Outgoing Prompt’
From Identity: Username
CLI Restriction: None
CLI Header: Remote Party ID
Numbering parameters
Numbering plan:
Numbering Time: 4
Dial # to initiate a call: NO
SIP Call Limit: 0
Entering Call Numbers
Then click on the “List of external numbers” field.
You must fill in the external call numbers (33XXXXXXXXXX) and indicate the access to these numbers.
Example: 1 (Index)> 33177620000 (External Numbers)> SIP Account # 1 (Type)
Assigning external numbers to internal stations
Configuration menu “Assigning external numbers”.
To ring the extension X on the first number of the table, click on “Edit” on the row of Index 1.
Select the station / group / message to be sounded and click on the green checkmark to validate.
Monthly billing is done at the beginning of each month.